Saturday, February 24, 2007

Lighten up, Francis


Last weekend was full of silliness and catching up. As noted by Lori, Mike Stapel was in town visting Athens with Jed, Aaron, Rita, and Roy. Jake Smith and John Sarver popped in for an appearance as well.

Mike recently completed 8 years of service work for the US Gov, working for the Army. Which sends my mind into visions of the classic Bill Murry movie "Stripes", in which the follies of military life are comically rendered.

General Barnicke: Where have you been soldier?
John Winger: Training, sir.
Soldiers: Training, sir.
General Barnicke: What kind of training?
John Winger: Army training, sir.
Soldiers: Army training, sir.
General Barnicke: Are you telling me that you men finished your training on your own?
John Winger: That's a fact, Jack.
Soldiers: That's a fact, Jack.

Cracks me up.

I am tempted to include goofy movie quotes in all of my blog entries. Jeffo quoted "The Princess Bride" and "Star Wars" not to long ago and in a galaxy far, far away....

Some movies are darn funny and worth quoting frequently. I am dating myself when stating that the following movies make me laugh: Fletch, Caddyshack, History of the World and On Golden Pond.

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