Friday, November 09, 2007

Doctor, doctor

Give me the news....

I, yes, I, Lori Gromen, went to the doctor today. I went for some manipulation. Which sounds kind of funky. Anyway, I've been feeling out of balance. Off kilter, if you will. So I went to this Doctor that Adrienne recommended. (Adrienne, for those who don't know her, went through the DO program at OU and knows all the docs. Plus she is found of osteopathic manipulation and she said that this guy was one of the best in Athens.)

I went in with an open mind and explained my aches and pains. He pointed out some discrepancies in my leg. They are all twisted up (go figure). And my ankles were out of whack. Oh yeah, and my left lower leg had no mobility (Adrienne, if you're reading this, you noticed this as well, remember!). So, the doc untwists me by pulling and yanking and pushing on my legs in all different directions. After he was done, he showed me the results (straighter legs), which I could see, but we'll see how long they last. You see the ankle problem is caused by a lot of stopping and going (aka, cutting in Ultimate). But he showed me some techniques to do that should keep the ankle in place.

The weird thing about the whole visit, is that he said I have a high pain tolerance. No really, I think he wrote it down on my chart too, so I have proof. I personally, think I have a low pain tolerance. I hate pain. It makes me cry.


Jeff Gromen said...

I know what you're up to sister and it's not fair because there are two of you!!!
How did you run so fast if your legs were all twisted up???!!!


Kent and Lori said...

Jeffo, Really, it doesn't count if there are 2? I'll have to look into the legislature that governs such issues.