Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Somewhere, sometime, in my family history, a woman made mozzarella cheese from scratch. Last night, I, too, made homemade mozzarella cheese. I bought some whole milk from a local dairy farm and I got the rennet and other enzymes from a store in northern Ohio. It takes about 30 minutes altogether and is quite easy. I made some ricotta from the leftover whey as well.

I feel like the consistency and texture are near to what I've had in Italy but the flavor just wasn't quite right. It was good, about what you can get in the states, but it didn't have the creaminess that is present in the mozza from Italy. I'll have to keep trying. Buying the milk is the only ingrediant I don't have on hand, and that I can get pretty fresh. Looks like I'll be eating a lot of cheese this winter.


Anonymous said...

I tried to make cheddar when I was living on Union Street. I don't think I pressed enough liquid out of it before I put it in wax. Opening it up after a couple months of aging was a horrible experience...blech. Glad your cheese turned out better

Kent and Lori said...

Phil, I remember you doing that. Yeah, it's a good thing the mozza doesn't need to be aged. If it goes bad, it's because it sat in the fridge too long.
