Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

I started the day off with my annual Easter Run.  Okay, I run almost everyday, so an easter run isn't that special.  I did sway from the usual bike path run, though.   With the roads being covered in ice, snow, and salt for the past 2 months, I usually run down hill to the bike path, where I do 90 percent of my miles, and then back up the hill to my house.  So minus the small hill down to the BP it's all flat.  Today, I took advantage of the low traffic roads of a Sunday morning and went up Second St to Columbia Ave with its gentle rolling hilliness of a ridge top. Felt good to do a few hills.  

It is sunny again today, so hopefully I can tackle a few outside projects.  Spring is coming fast, but the weather has still been cold and rainy, so motivation to hit the garden has been low.  I did visit White's Mill, my local garden store, on Friday and bought some cold hardy seeds.  Peas, spinach, lettuce.  I want to make a new garden bed too, which increases vegetable growing space and decreases lawn mowing space.  My dream is to have no lawn to cut, but a variety of food producing vegetation.  If only the leaves could rake themselves too.

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