Sunday, May 18, 2008

International Street Fair

It was the week of celebrating all things international here in Athens and specifically OU. The week ends with a street fair uptown, where various groups set up booths to coffer their home country wares and fares. There is also dancing and music. The saying goes that it never rains on the street fair, and that held true once again. A 70 percent chance of rain turned to sunny skies and favorable conditions.  

This guy will write whatever you want (within reason, I suppose) in Chinese on a t shirt.  Look at the way he holds the writing utensil.  Different.

This group was singing when we showed up, so I didn't get to hear where they were from or what group they represented.  They were very good, and had a variety of instruments and people on stage, but it took me forever to figure out they were singing in Spanish.  I still don't know who they were, but it was one of those situations where you couldn't tell just by looking.  

I think these lovely ladies are from Indonesia.  They had a very slow dance. Or at least the movements were slow, the music wasn't necessarily slow...

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