Sunday, June 28, 2009


To our home. We installed a real door on our house. Nothing exciting but it's better than the plywood door we had. Also, on the home front, we've been working on electricity. Wiring the house for every light bulb, outlet and appliance is more work than one might think. We have to decide the location of everything now. 

This weekend was spent on the yard. I spent the afternoon with the chipper and I finished the pile of limbs and brush from the ice storm 4 months ago. I don't know if I blogged about this, but we lost a lot of limbs off the pines when we had that ice storm last winter. In April I began the chipping process but was interrupted when the chipper broke. It spit out a few metal pieces and wouldn't start again. Not good. Our neighbor Jim fixed it and we can finally finish the chipping job. 

Kent split wood in anticipation of the frigid winter temperatures. I suppose thinking about frigid winter temperatures is one way to keep cool, but I don't suppose it works.

We also spent about an hour or more on Skype this morning. So if you have Skype look us up. loriandkent is our name. Our neighbor Tony just bought a new Mac and we skyped Jeff in Italy. We introduced Tony's cat and dog to Jeff's cats. I don't think they noticed each other, but what other cats and dogs have international friends?

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