Monday, December 08, 2008

What's happening.

Well, it 's been a bit of time since we last updated.  As mentioned before, the house is moving slowly now.  Which is fine.  Because our lives are plenty full.

To catch you all up...

The big blue truck we just purchased a few months ago caught on fire.  It's totaled.  The dash and bench seat are a blackened charred mess.  The engine may be okay, so Kent is researching the next move.  Replace the cab?  Put the engine in something else?  Buy a whole new old truck? Buy a whole new newer truck? So many possibilities.

We went to South Carolina for Thanksgiving.  It was a good time until we tried to drive home.  Note to self.  Don't ever try to drive anywhere the Sunday after Thanksgiving.  

Now it's preparation time for Christmas.  I hope you all get what you want.  

1 comment:

Owen said...

Caught fire?! What the heck?