Saturday, November 01, 2008

Fall 2008

Hello to all. 

Here are some pics from yesterday at work.  Lori has been diligently posting about our building project, which is terribly exciting for us.  We are looking forward to having a new living space that is better insulated with thick walls, new-safe electrical wiring, better lighting with passive solar heating, and normal sized ceilings.  

Here is a quick update about the house...followed by some pics of Fall in Athens and Halloween at the Bassett House.

Danny started working on the steps, which will lead up to the second floor.  PJ and Lori did some digging, preparing for a concrete footer as well as looking for our existing sewer line.  I managed to do a little bit of work earlier in the week, nailing in a few studs and running to the lumberyard for materials.  Our next projects include the following: applying a layer of protection/treatment to the deck, raising the interior rafters/ceiling joyce supports - which are huge!!! 6" x 8" by 9'feet long, solid red-oak beams.  Once those guys are in place, we can span the building with our 2" x 12" by 16' foot ceiling yellow-pine joyce.  

Here is a pic of Bassett House, in the background.

Bright oak leaves...

RoseAnn as one of the Pink-ladies from Greece.

KB - Gangsta for Halloween.


Anonymous said...

That shitz balla.

daron said...

That photo is killing me. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. Taxpayers of Athens, was it Halloween, or just another day spent under the thumb of one of the most notorious henchmen ever elected to city council? Where is batman when you need him to put a stop to this anarchy!